Build My Future
This event is open to all member and non members who hold a business within the construction industry. You will get 3 minutes to talk one on one with 10+ builders so bring your business cards.
Details to come!
Friday, May 14th @ Red Hawk Golf Club Presented by: Las Cruces Abstract & Title Co. Las Cruces Home Builders Association Spring Swing Golf Tournament benefits LCHBA Community Service Projects. Chair: Joe Baca w/ Precision Mortgage Group
Member luncheons are BACK and in person! June's luncheon is sponsored by Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Company and we will have 2 great guest speakers. Tobe Turpen with Better Homes & Garden Steinborn & Associates to discuss the Las Cruces Market and Tyson Brown with Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Company to discuss the Lumber Market. All are welcome! Members […]
CORNAMENT??? Yes, your read that right, a CORNAMENT!!! We are soooo excited for this and our partnership with our friends at The Blue Moon Bar & Grill! We will have raffles, music, food, beverages, AND each team comes with 4 tickets to that evenings concert, TBA soon, so stay connected with us for that exciting […]
The Jackalope returns among the fairways of the legendary Red Hawk Golf Club, this 4-man Golf Scramble pits teams against a “somewhat unconventional” course where the sinister Jackalope lurks robbing unsuspecting golfers of their rightful pursuit of treasure and glory. Does your team have what it takes to survive? Sponsorships Available
This year's show is Presented By: Metro Verde Event: September 17th - 19th and 24th - 26th Fridays: 4-7 Saturdays: 10 - 5 Sundays: 12- 5 Twilight Tour: September 24th 6-8 pm on select homes Event Chair: Randy Montoya w/ Builders Source Appliance Gallery PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID -19 and NM Governors Orders: Masks […]
This event is held to inspire young people to pursue careers in the skilled trades, and to change public perception and raise awareness about the construction industry that promotes a skilled workforce for the future. Event Chairman: Maggie Loya w/ Desert View Homes For more information call Nicole Black or Maggie Loya.